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Cats from Venice {Italy} | cat pet world

ponte storto venice

Venice in Italy has plenty of places where the most beautiful cats pose against a backdrop of picturesque alleys and canals. You just have to know where to find them.

One of these wonderful spots is Ponte Storto, where you'll meet the three Maine Coon cats Sadhna, Felix, and Rudolf.

“They truly own the place,” says Marianna Zampieri, who photographed these animals for Cats in Venice, a project that denotes the feline heritage of the city through pictures and stories that link individual cats to places where it is easy to find them. “They are perfect models, spoiled by passersby and never in need of cuddles. They only add to the beauty of Ponte Storto.”

ponte storto cats
cats in venice
cats in venice

Sadhna and Felix are the mom and dad.

cats in venice
sadhna gatto
sadhna cat
felix gatto

Rudolf is their baby son. He was initially called Ciumpo but was renamed afterward.

rudolf gatto

“Sadhna, Felix, and Rudolf are the first cats I photographed in Venice,” says Zampieri. “I took so many photos that I thought I'd ask more information about them through Facebook, and so my project Cats in Venice started. I still go cuddle them whenever I can.”

gatti venice
gatto venice

Have you ever visited Venice and Ponte Storto? Have you met Sadhna, Felix, and Rudolf?

Check out Marianna Zampieri's previous project C-AT Work.

venice ponte storto
maine coon italy
maine coon venice
maine coons venice

traveling with cats

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