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Cats from Sóller {Mallorca} | cat pet world

port de soller paseo de la playa

If you want to meet a bunch of cats when vacationing in Port de Sóller on Mallorca, it's a good idea to go and drink a sangria at the seafront bar Las Delicias or sunbathe on the Playa d'en Repic in front.

They hang out at the abandoned site next to Las Delicias, but they will often come out and venture onto the bar's patio and the Playa d'en Repic to look for food. Most of these cats are muy timido, very shy, and will run away if there's no edible incentive.

las delicias soller
gatos de mallorca

Some of these cats have seen better days. Please share your meal with them. They'll appreciate it.

cat in bad shape
unhealthy stray cat

The tabby was super sociable. At first, he couldn't care less that I took pictures of him and turned his back on me but after a few minutes, when he noticed he was the center of my attention, he came over for cuddles. When I sat down on my knees to photograph him, he jumped on my lap and settled down for a nap. He didn't move for at least twenty minutes, even when I put myself in a more comfortable position.

port de soller cats
cute cat paws
mallorca gatos

When I saw the tabby again a few days later, he did exactly the same. He installed himself on my lap and stayed for over an hour. If I didn't have a plane to catch, he would have stayed even longer.

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Address: Las Delicias, Paseo de la Playa 17, Port de Sóller, Mallorca.

port de soller beach
soller beach
gatos mallorca

P.S. If the view of the Port de Sóller looks familiar, it's because it served as filming location for the TV-show The Night Manager.

paseo de la playa soller

Have you ever been to Port de Soller? Did you meet many cats?

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