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Cats from Sitges {Spain} | cat pet world

port sitges

As you will see from these pictures, the cats that live near the port of Sitges are timid. Although a handful of locals feeds them every day, they prefer to hide when tourists are around.

Some of these cats will be strolling along the normal pathways that lead toward the port, though they will run away and hide whenever someone approaches.

port cats
sitges port
sitges port
sitges port
sitges port

If the cats are hiding, look down, into the plants and dried grass that line the pathways. You'll immediately know you're on the right track if you see handmade cat houses, scratching posts, and feeding bowls.

feral kittens
sitges puerto
feral cats
puerto sitges
sitges port

The little sweetie below was very anxious and ran away whenever someone was passing the alley where she was hanging out. After a few minutes, she realized she could trust me and offered a multitude of leg brushes and headbutts.

sitges port
sitges port
sitges port

Once you know where to look, you'll see dozens upon dozens of cats near the port of Sitges. Most of them will be in plain sight, but some will be sleeping in the shade, half hidden by the bushes.

sitges port

sitges book

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