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Cats from Cairo {Egypt} | cat pet world

cairo cats

"Cairo cats are street-smart survivors with an aristocratic lineage. Approach them as you would your fluffy, fireside feline and you will immediately have a cross-cultural misunderstanding," writes Lorraine Chittock in her book Cairo Cats: Egypt's Enduring Legacy. "Notice instead their lunar eyes coolly scanning the relentless bustle around them, their long bodies slinking through souks and down alleyways as though they own the place. And in a way they do, these mystical survivors from a dynasty dating back to the very cradle of civilization."

egypt cats

Near the Egyptian Museum

egyptian museum cairo
egyptian museum

Cat near a coppersmith shop in Khan al-Khalili

khan al-khalili

Street cats in Bab al-Louk

bab al-louk

Near Sharia Bur Said

sharia bur said

A cat with a pretty coat in Dokki

egyptian cat
cat egyptian

Near the mausoleum of Sultan Qa'it Bay in the City of the Dead

mausoleum qa'it bay

Kittens near Villa #74 Road 15, Maadi

kittens egypt

Outskirts of Giza, near the pyramids

pyramids cats

Cat of the Al-Nurriya Coffeeshop in Bab al-Louk

cairo bab al-louk

Feline butcher's assistant in Imbaba

cairo imbaba

Source: Cairo Cats: Egypt's Enduring Legacy

cairo book

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