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Cats from Cairo {Egypt} | cat pet world

egypt worshiped cats

“The ancient Egyptians did everything to make their cats happy,” writes Annemarie Schimmel in the book Cairo Cats: Egypt's Enduring Legacy. “They were groomed and bathed, anointed with fragrant oils, and of course fed with excellent food for a cat's life was as important as a human life, and even during famines some food was apportioned to cats.”

In Egypt it was not unknown for someone who killed a cat to be executed or, if he happened to be caught in the act, lynched by the furious masses. 

Today, as these photographs prove, the mystique of the cat is still very much alive in the Egyptian environment.

egypt worships cats

Soda stand on Sharia al-Falaky, Bab al-Louk.

egypt worship cats

Al-Ahram supermarket, Digla.

i love cats

Mr. Ibrahim and Mish-Mish on the banks of the Nile, Zamalek.

worship cats in egypt

A stray kitten in an old man's hands, Darb al-Ahmar.

where's the cat?

1079 Corniche al-Nil, Garden City.

cats worshiped in egypt

cats of cairo

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