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Cats from Bangkok {Thailand} | cat pet world

bangkok photo book

"During my travels of Asia, I was surprised to come across so many street cats," says writer and photographer Amy Mander.

"As exciting as it was to meet the cats, I did, unfortunately, witness ill-treatment and the real-life circumstances that these cats had to endure. Yet I also came across many people of goodwill who would feed these cats even though they had very little food themselves."

photo book bangkok
central world siam bangkok

"As I walked the streets of Thailand and Japan, I encountered these cats and witnessed the daily life they led, which inspired me to document it by photographing them," says Amy Mander.

"In turn, I compiled all the images into the book, Street Cats of Thailand and Japan, in the hope of raising awareness about street cats in Asia."

central world bangkok
booklet bangkok

You can purchase Street Cats of Thailand and Japan via Amy Mander's website. The book is small - more like a booklet - but it would make an adorable surprise gift for the cat lover in your life.

Fifty percent of the sales goes to the Asian cat center Kitty Rescuee.

street cats of thailand
cats booklet
how to help street cats in asia

Book Giveaway!

Amy Mander is giving away an autographed copy of Street Cats of Thailand and Japan to one lucky reader of Cat Pet World. The book giveaway is open worldwide, and you can enter by filling in the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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