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Cats from Valldemossa {Mallorca} | cat pet world

valldemossa mallorca spain

Valldemossa is one of the most charming inland villages on the Balearic island of Mallorca. Perched in the Tramuntana mountains, it sports some breathtaking viewpoints on the surrounding hills filled with olive, oak, and almond trees.

The center is ideal to cozy up in a restaurant with a drink, or to stop by some souvenir shops, museums, and art galleries. However, you may want to venture farther away, into the 'uneventful' winding alleys. Not only will you see many pretty, ancient blonde-stone houses here, but also lots and lots of cats.

cat not amused
ginger cats mallorca
mallorca valldemossa
valldemossa cats
valldemossa cat
valldemossa mallorca

cats mallorca

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