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Cat from Valldemossa {Mallorca} | cat pet world

turkish van cat

When Frédéric Chopin and George Sand lived on Mallorca between 1838 and 1839, they stayed in Cell no. 4 in the Carthusian Monastery of Valldemossa. These days, this monastic cell is known as the Chopin Museum. Here, you can admire the composer's Pleyel piano, sent to him from Paris, on which he finished some of his most famous compositions (like various Preludes, one Polonaise, his second Ballade, and the Third Scherzo).

When visiting the museum, you'll likely meet an Avalon-lookalike, either inside or in front of the museum. This Turkish Van cat doesn't officially belong to the monastery (the staff doesn't even know his name or where he comes from), but he has chosen Cell no. 4 as his favorite Valldemossa hangout.

valldemossa chopin museum
celda de frédéric chopin y george sand

An entrance ticket to the Chopin Museum costs four euros. This only covers a visit to the officially recognized Chopin Cell, where the Pleyel piano is displayed but doesn't include the entrance to all other museums in the monastery.

Address: Plaça Cartoixa 4, Celd 4, Valldemossa, Mallorca

chopin museum mallorca

chopin cats

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