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April 2019

Cat from London {England} | cat pet world

When you're in London and are planning to visit Camden town and its markets, make sure to stop at the music pub The Old Eagle. A good reas…

Cats of Kotor {Montenegro} | cat pet world

The photo above was snapped near an old fort high above Kotor, Montenegro, where a cat was enjoying the last heat from the rocks as the clouds m…

Cat from London {England} | cat pet world

The Charlotte Despard in Archway is one of the coziest pubs in London . Lots of candles, warm lighting, comfortable furniture, local beers, and…

Cats from Cairo {Egypt} | cat pet world

Wanderlust and a sense of professional adventure took Lorraine Chittock to Cairo in 1991 to work as a magazine photographer. Her fascination wit…

Cats from Pérouges {France} | cat pet world

These cats occupy one of the most beautiful villages in France : Pérouges. Most of them have owners who treat them like treasured, indulged pet…

Cats from Venice {Italy} | cat pet world

Venice regains its natural rhythms in the winter when the sightseers have departed and the residents can move throughout their city unhindered b…

Cat from Leiden {Netherlands} | cat pet world

Just like Amsterdam , Leiden in the Netherlands features a large number of small canals . It's mainly known as a university city and is one …

Cats from London {England} | cat pet world

Welcome to the UK's first cat café: Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium . «Lady Dinah's owes its genesis to a bad day at work,» founder La…
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