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November 2017

Tips For Training Your Cat

Tips For Training Your Cat You can’t train a cat, like you can a dog. If you try to, you’ll probably cause behavioural problems later on. But you can…

How To Stop Your Cat Scratching

How To Stop Your Cat Scratching You know how annoying it can be when you have an itch, but you can't reach it to give it a scratch? Well, when yo…

How to be a responsible cat owner

How to be a responsible cat owner Now that you have a cat or several cats in the house, you need to think about how you can be a responsible cat ow…

Find the perfect cat collar

Find the perfect cat collar If your cat goes outside, it's really a good idea to use a necklace. It allows other people to know that the cat ha…

Do you want to find a purebred cat?

Do you want to find a purebred cat? For some of us, a common tom cat or garden is not enough. We want a high quality feline company with a pedigree…

Cats - The perfect companion?

Cats - The perfect companion? You'll always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats. Colonial proverb Want to have a cat at …

Cat training with a clicker

Cat training with a clicker The Clicker training is a reinforcement or a reward for a cat during his training. Clickers are most often used for su…
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